Saturday, April 23, 2011

Martelly wins Haiti presidential election

It's been a long, long campaign. Finally, the Provisional Electoral Council announced preliminary results of the second round today: Michel Martelly defeated Mirlande Manigat 67-31. There will be a final count and a likely challenge by Manigat, but this result appears to be fairly solid.

President-elect Martelly has a lot of work ahead of him. Politically, he needs to reconcile with at least some of the political factions that opposed him: supporters of Manigat, Preval and Aristide, among others. He needs to learn the ins and outs of the domestic government plus the the multinational reconstruction bureaucracy. He needs to deal with questions and concerns about the UN forces as well as deteriorating security conditions.

Running any country is difficult, especially for a political newcomer with no governing experience. Haiti, as anyone can imagine, is much more difficult with its capital and much of the government organization rebuilding after recent destruction. While most people including me hope for the best and hope to be pleasantly surprised by Martelly's leadership, it's not unfair to expect it's going to be a rough presidential term ahead.


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