Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Listen. Today was a shitty day. And Tumblrs are for lamenting...

Listen. Today was a shitty day. And Tumblrs are for lamenting shitty days as much as they are for posting pictures of boobs and clever shit.

My bangs are growing too slow. I was reading Looking for Alaska because so many of you told me to, and I started crying on the bus while I was reading it and had to stop. School was difficult today and I didn?t get enough done. On the way home there was this couple walking towards me and they didn?t shift to single file so I could pass them so I got pushed into a bush and almost tripped and they laughed and I gave them a look that would surely have killed them had I been able to weaponize facial expressions. And then I came home and felt emotional and cried some more and the pizza I had for dinner was too small?I was still hungry after I ate it.

And also, sometimes people are so stupid. Growth is important for people and sometimes it happens because we want it to or need it to, and sometimes we need to force it on ourselves because we know it?s best for us. Being able to see our own flaws is a really important thing. I used to lie A LOT. And then circumstances happened and I was forced into a new way of seeing things and realized honesty is always best. Thinking that the past is unimportant is stupid. Not giving yourself a chance to learn from past mistakes makes you end up like the USA. (No offense, I know none of you actually run your government. And I know you were trying to do a really good thing with Obama.)

And also, to a certain unnamed person, I miss you. Remember when we used to do that? Speak cryptically into the internet and kinda hope and not hope that the person we were talking about would stumble across it and just know we were talking about them? Living in this perpetual state of ?yes, find it, these are the things I want you to hear me say to you!? and ?no, god, don?t find it, I am terrified of having you know these things.? So everything was layered and insular and kinda like this ranting post of mine?

Also, there are seven continents and ?America? isn?t one of them.

Also, did you guys watch Parks & Rec? Why is Ron Swanson so perfect and why did I cry for the last half hour of the show?

Also, thank you to everyone who voted for Big Bang, but I don?t think they?re going to come to America. It was a dream. And now it is a crushed dream. But now I will dream about going to Japan to see Big Bang. Or maybe I can make it to Korea next year to see Big Show 2012. You?re all pretty amazing. Especially people who voted without knowing what Big Bang is, or for reactivating your Facebook accounts just so you could vote. Thank you for being so oh shit. I?m crying again.

I think I?m going to get my period tomorrow.

Source: http://therealkatiewest.tumblr.com/post/4624887826

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