Monday, April 25, 2011

Friday Mishmash

Happy Birthday to my best friend Barbara!  I'm out in California (got here last night) to help her celebrate the big one - that's right, she is 50 today!!!  I'm glad you were born, my friend. :)


Speaking of being in your 50s, when I visited the orthopedist for a second opinion the other day?  He walked into the room with his nurse, introduced himself and asked me to tell him how I hurt my ankle.  He interrupted me partway through to ask "how old are you?"  I said 47.  He said again "how old ARE you?"  I said "I'm 47."  Then he said "what is your birthdate?" I told him, and that's where his confusion came from - the paperwork had my birth year as 1953, not 1963.  He said "I thought you looked AMAZING for 57!" - so of course I had to ask him "How do I look for 47?"  LOL - he was nice and said I still looked good for 47, but ever since then, Jeff keeps telling me that I look great for 57.  ::rolleyes::


I am LOVING all of the prom dress pictures so far - keep 'em coming!  I'll do the post in a couple of weeks so you still have plenty of time to scan them and send them in.  I want to show you part of the email my mother sent me after reading the post Monday morning - she cracked me up.  Here it is:


I do believe her sarcasm came through loud and clear, lol!  And there I was, thinking I did such a good job of hiding that part of my senior year!

P.S.  I used to throw "going away" parties for my parents on the weekends that they would take my pesky little brother and go camping with our sailing club...after they had left, of course.
P.P.S.  The suitcase in my closet stored the leftover bottles of booze from parties.
P.P.P.S.  In the Senior Wills section of our school newspaper, one of my friends willed me a bigger suitcase. :)

I don't drink anymore - I like to say that I finished up my lifetime allotment early.  Same could be said about desserts but I'm not ready to go there just yet!


During Tuesday's speed workout at the track, I did plank holds on the grass while the group was running around the track.  Shades of burpee bruises from long ago...look at my arms after several planks:
Ouchies!  Next time I'll bring a mat for some cushioning!


There's still time to enter my Gel-Bot giveaway - go here to enter!  I'll announce a winner on Tuesday.

Recommended reading:  Tina Fey's "Bossypants."  I LOVED THIS BOOK!  She is so funny and insightful and just wonderful.  The only thing I did not love about the book was the cover - I'll link it here - but it disturbs me in the way of the wrongness of baby corn and human teeth on dogs.  I removed the dust jacket so I wouldn't have to see the cover - but I'm telling you, go read her book.  There were parts where I was laughing so hard that I was crying (see chapter titled "The Secrets of Mommy's Beauty").  I wanted to send Tina (I can call her Tina, right?  we're friends in my mind) a fan letter but couldn't find a good address for her.  What's with that?  I had no problem getting the address for the last person I sent fan mail to...of course that was Betty Ford after her appearance on the Mary Tyler Moore show back in the 1970s, and she was living at the White House, but I digress.  Except...she answered me back!!!  I still have that letter - I'll have to scan it and show you.  I guess I was hoping that I could add Tina's letter to Betty's.  Of course Tina would write me back - we're friends, right?  And it's not like she's busy writing a book anymore.  Just her TV show (30 Rock - another winner!), and after reading her book, I see she has writers for the show.  So yeah, she could send me a letter.  Hmmm.  I hope it would actually be written by her and not one of the show writers. 

Wow, this took quite the turn.  Welcome to the inner workings of my brain.  Any case, go read "Bossypants" if you haven't yet.  I think you'll love it.

No Fashion Friday  today as I've been living in my swimsuit or shorts this week.  But, seeing as I'll be spending the next two weeks with Barbara, you know there will be some fun fashion shoots coming up!
Alright everyone, have a great weekend, and send me your Prom pictures!


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