Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday Mishmash

I'm glad to see that pretty much every one was a little creeped out by that statue. Someone noted in the comments that he has a gun - yes, every statue at that park is armed (hey, this IS Texas!). No, seriously, it's Veteran's Park, and all the statues are of soldiers from different wars. Apparently no one fought while just using their words. Well, no one that the park people are commemorating, anyway.


So my new workout toy that I bought? Was on my planned trip to Target, where I forgot what I was supposed to buy (Gladware - remembered the next day). Fellow sufferers of C.R.S., stand beside me and take this pledge: "I will always write a list. And then I will remember to take it with me." I tell you what, it's always an adventure! Anyway, my toy? It's a hula-hoop! (Good guess, Roxie!) I got inspired from reading a guest post on MizFit's blog, and thought how fun and ab-tastic it sounded. So I sprang for one. Let me tell you, I used to be good at the hula-hoop back in the day. Now? Not so much. I was lucky to get 3 or 4 revolutions around my waist before it headed south. So, I went outside and corralled my neighbor girls (Ginger's human sisters) and had them demonstrate how to properly do the hula-hoop. Oh! That's how. OK, I tried again. Hah! They make it look so easy...but I will master it. Any case, it's fun, and I'm kinda popular with the 11-and-under set on my street now.


Bought during that Target trip when I couldn't remember why I was there...

This body butter is really awesome. But it tastes awful. I know you're not supposed to eat it (it even says so on the label!), but it's really strong, and even after washing my hands, it stays on. And I've discovered that I tend to lick my fingers fairly - hey, slicing pineapple necessitates lots of tastes, you know? (Hmm, I just realized that I'm wearing coconut body butter while slicing you think I have Hawaii embedded in my subconscious?)


Jeff has been traveling a lot. Doesn't stop Paco from waiting for him to come through the garage door every night, though. It's really I though I was the center of his universe!

"If I stare hard enough, maybe this day Dad will come home."


Remember that half marathon that Helen ran for my mom? Well, she sent her a gift last week - the race bib that she wore, and a really cool shirt that says "Inner Strength Has No Expiration Date" - such a sweet thing to do, and both my mom and I were really touched by it. Here's a picture of Mom wearing the shirt:

Looking good, Mom!


Because I've been living in either shorts and t-shirts or, walking outfits, I don't have a human Fashion Friday for you. I did, however, plan on showing you Paco in his new finery - his old collar is too tight, so I ordered him a new one. Unfortunately, I didn't actually measure his neck; rather, I relied on my memory, which, as that trip to Target proves, isn't so reliable. So the GINORMOUS collar is on the way back, being exchanged for one more suitable for a medium-sized dog and not a Saint Bernard...anyway, he wanted to model the new leash that matches his collar - really, he did!

"I feel dumb with leash wrapped round my neck. Not collar. How big you think I am, lady?"

Please also admire my mad photography skills, as I captured the elusive "invisible wagging tale" - you can just see it. Talent, I haz it. Or else luck. ;)


By the way, there are NO Attune bars in my town. I checked. I've also spoken with the yogurt stocker at my local HEB and made my request to get them back, so we'll see if that works. Meanwhile, I am in serious withdrawal!

Alright, have a great weekend. I hope to have a "good news" post up on Monday morning - fingers crossed!


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