Of course, if you read this blog, you probably already knew that.
What caught my attention was another part of the article, based on the testimony of the commanders of Northcom and Southcom, that the criminal organizations in Mexico and Central America are improving their technology. The US military is concerned that the bad guys in Mexico and Central america have night-vision goggles, armored vehicles and better functioning submarines. Assault weapons are certainly deadly, but the issue goes beyond those firearms.
Today, SIPRI released new data showing an increase in military spending in Latin America. None of SIPRI's reports, however, cover the increasing expenditures by non-state groups on what are essentially military-grade weapons. I wonder how their numbers would look if you factored that spending into the issue.
Source: http://www.bloggingsbyboz.com/2011/04/tcos-beyond-assault-weapons.html
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